Our Privacy Notice

Fairman Financial respects our clients’ privacy and treats their privacy concerns seriously.

As a trusted advisor to our clients, respecting privacy and confidentiality is vital to our business. This notice describes the current privacy policy and practices of both Fairman Group Family Office LLP dba Fairman Financial and its wholly owned registered investment advisory firm, The Fairman Group LLC (collectively, “Fairman Financial”), with respect to information we acquire about individuals who obtain or seek to obtain Fairman Financial’s assistance for personal, family or business purposes.

Information We Collect About You
We collect nonpublic personal information about you from:

  • Information we receive from you, including financial, investment and tax-related information;
  • Information we receive from you about business holdings, real estate and other entities or enterprises in which you may hold an interest;
  • Information we receive with your authorization from third parties, such as your other advisers and financial institutions where you have accounts; and
  • Information relating to your transactions with us, our affiliates and others.

This information may include personal information such as your address, social security number and bank and other financial account numbers.

How We Handle Your Personal Information

We use your nonpublic personal information solely for the purpose of providing tax consulting, compliance and other professional advisory services to you. We take reasonable steps to keep confidential the information acquired. Our right to disclose the information is limited by our Code of Ethics, Regulation S-P (or other applicable regulations) and the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. ( CFP Board). Fairman Financial does not disclose any nonpublic personal information about you, as our client or as a former client, to anyone without your permission, except as permitted or required by law. Where appropriate, information provided by us to nonaffiliated third parties who perform services for us, is subject to contractual agreements which prohibit these parties from disclosing or using the information other than for the purposes for which the information was disclosed.

General Restrictions on Disclosure of Nonpublic Personal Information to Nonaffiliated Third Parties

As tax preparers we are prohibited by Internal Revenue Code Section 7216 from disclosing your income tax return information without your consent, other than for the specific purpose of preparing, assisting in preparing or obtaining and providing services in connection with the preparation of an income tax return for you. Furthermore, as a firm complying with Regulation S-P and engaged in income tax preparation or financial planning and investment advice, we are generally prohibited from disclosing confidential client information about you to nonaffiliated third parties without your specific consent, other than for the purposes for which the information was disclosed to us.

Some of the reasons we may disclose information to third parties include:

  • Complying with a validly issued and enforceable summons or subpoena.
  • In the course of a review of our firm’s practices under the peer review rules of the AICPA or a similar professional board.
  • Initiating a complaint or responding to an inquiry made by the professional ethics division or trial board of the AICPA or duly constituted investigative or disciplinary body of another State CPA Society or Board of Accountancy.
  • A review of a professional practice of our firm in conjunction with a prospective purchase, sale, or merger of all or part of our practice, provided that we take appropriate precautions (for example, through a written confidentiality agreement) so the prospective purchaser does not disclose information obtained in the course of the review.
  • Participating in actual or threatened legal proceedings or alternative dispute resolution proceedings either initiated by or against us, provided we disclose only the information necessary to file, pursue, or defend against the lawsuit, and take reasonable precautions to ensure that the information disclosed does not become a matter of public record.
  • Providing information to third parties who perform services or functions for us pursuant to a contractual agreement which prohibits the third party from disclosing or using the information other than for the purposes for which the information was disclosed.

Safeguarding Your Personal Information

We restrict access to nonpublic personal information about you to those individuals who need to know that information to provide products or services to you and perform their respective duties. We maintain physical, electronic and procedural security measures to safeguard confidential client information. Examples of how we safeguard client information digitally include the use of password protected systems, multi-factor authentication, updated anti-virus and anti-spyware software, and encrypted storage devices and software firewalls. When transmitting confidential personally identifiable information (PII), we offer and require the use of point-to-point encrypted portals or encrypted email.

Children’s Privacy

We do not knowingly market to or solicit personal information from children under the age of 18. If we learn that we have received information directly from a child who is under the age of 18, we will delete the information in accordance with applicable law.

Keeping You Informed

As required by federal law, we will notify our clients of our privacy policy annually. We reserve the right to modify this privacy policy at any time, but we will provide you a revised notice incorporating any material changes before we implement such changes.

You may receive more than one of these notices from Fairman Financial depending on the services Fairman Financial provides for you. If you have any questions about this notice or Fairman Financial’s information practices, please contact the senior member of your Fairman Financial service team by email or call our office at (610) 889-7300.

We Value Your Trust In Our Firm

We cannot emphasize enough how much we value the trust you place in our firm and in our employees. We understand that protecting your privacy is essential to maintaining your trust; and we commit that Fairman Financial will adhere to the above policies and practices.