About Fairman

Fairman Financial is a fee-only advisory firm that approaches your wealth holistically.  It’s an approach that ensures all segments of our clients’ finances work in tandem to help achieve their goals. 

Why Fairman Financial?

To take advantage of opportunities to grow your investments, preserve your wealth, and achieve your financial goals, you need a diverse team of experts — advisors working together to help you with every facet of your finances. 

Our key differentiators are our breadth of services and expertise

Team meeting in a modern conference room

As a fiduciary, we serve you with a disciplined and integrated process. Our credentialed, multi-disciplinary team collaborates with you on the many aspects of your financial affairs. We are compensated from client advisory fees only. We do not sell products or insurance and do not accept commissions, referral fees, loads/12b-1 fees or any other compensation from outside sources.

Stay in the know with our latest insights

We keep our fingers on the pulse of developments across the financial industry. We do the research and analysis that helps you make the most of your wealth. Read some of our findings and get caught up on firm news.

Get to know us

With specialized skills and strategic expertise, our team collaborates to carefully consider and thoughtfully manage the many aspects of your wealth.

Looking to join our team?

Fairman fosters a culture where everyone can thrive. We promote an environment where you become a valuable and well‐rounded financial professional. 

Would you like to learn more?

Get the most out of your finances—and your life—with wealth management that sees the full picture.