Take Advantage of the Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) Waiver

The CARES Act offers some unique retirement planning opportunities relative to RMDs. If you do not need to make a withdrawal to fund cash flow this year, you can avoid an extra tax liability by not taking a distribution—or avoid selling retirement account assets that may be down. And, if you have already taken a distribution in 2020, there may still be time to unwind the transaction.

Discussions Worth Sharing: Reconsider ROTH Conversions

What impact will rising income tax rates have on my retirement? Do I understand the tax impact of leaving my retirement assets in trust? How will my retirement account distributions impact my taxes? In the current environment, where market volatility has returned and asset values have come down from their highs, there may be some unique opportunities now available for desirable short-term outcomes.

How Unintended Risk May Be Creeping Into Your Portfolio

The stock and bond markets have had spectacular returns since the trough of the market on Christmas eve 2018. The stock market (S&P 500) is now up 44.7% and the bond market (Bloomberg Barclays US Aggregate Bond Index) is up 9.6%. While investors have no doubt enjoyed these returns, they should be aware of the potential for an unintended, and potentially unwanted, consequence of strong markets.