Protective Refund Claims for Taxes Paid Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA)

April 15th is not just Tax Day. It is also the deadline to file a protective refund claim for timely-filed 2017 tax returns. Currently there is litigation pending in the Supreme Court challenging the constitutionality of the tax provisions of the Affordable Care Act (“ACA”). This litigation may not be decided until the summer. In the event the Court determines the ACA tax provisions are unconstitutional, taxpayers may preserve their right to a refund by filing a protective refund claim for taxes paid in tax years where the statute of limitations remains open, generally 2017 and after.

Residency, Domicile, & State Income Tax Registration

Domicile is a lesser-known concept that goes beyond where you own property or where you spend most of your time and it is essentially intent-based. Domicile is a person’s fixed, principle, and permanent home or the place they intend to remain or return to, after being absent. While you can have multiple residences across many states, you can only have one domicile for state income tax purposes.

Maximizing Benefits of Low Mortgage Rates in 2021

If you have not given serious thought to refinancing or analyzing how borrowing at low rates may benefit your broader financial situation, now is the time. Many financial rates are at historic lows due to current conditions, market instability and high demand for safety in the form of lower volatility.