How Will The SECURE Act Affect You?

The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act is one of the biggest pieces of legislation regarding retirement plans in recent memory. As with any update to the tax and retirement planning landscape, it’s important to review your particular situation to understand the potential effects of these changes.

Can I Live to 100 with Money to Spare?

That goal sounds great; however, retirement and longevity planning can be difficult. While our future is filled with a host of unknowns (family needs, life span, capital market returns, inflation), they should never prevent you from creating a plan. Retirement planning no longer adheres to old methods, outdated assumptions or simple rules of thumb. Here are some big picture concepts that retirees or future retirees should keep in mind when beginning the planning process.

Next Nest: Contemplating What Retirement Might Look Like

If you are ready to retire, entering a second career, caring for aging parents, or have adult children, you won’t want to miss our series about the financial implications, opportunities and gotchas regarding life challenges. In our last issue, James, an executive with a publicly-held company headquartered in the Philadelphia suburbs and Jeanne, owner of a small public relations firm, received news that their first grandchild was on the way and sought ways to financially help their children and future grandchild. Now they find themselves wondering when they will be financially secure enough to spend their winters someplace warm. Have they saved enough money for James to consider stepping down from his high-paying, high-stress position?