Coping With Market Volatility: Could This Be a Chance to Rebalance at a Discount?

In a volatile market, it’s easy to allow your emotions to influence your investment decisions. But if you can keep your cool while those around you are losing theirs, you may be able to take advantage of potential opportunities. One way to do that is by reviewing your portfolio to determine if it’s time to rebalance your asset allocation or modify your level of diversification. Rebalancing means adjusting your portfolio to get it back to your original target allocation.

Constructive Portfolio Actions: Portfolio Improvements Amid COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on global economies and world markets (to say nothing of the health tragedies). In volatile times like these, human nature causes many investors to want to sell their portfolios for fear of major losses—short term and potentially long term. Before we delve into this topic further, we want to remind clients about a few core tenets of portfolio construction and asset allocation.

How Unintended Risk May Be Creeping Into Your Portfolio

The stock and bond markets have had spectacular returns since the trough of the market on Christmas eve 2018. The stock market (S&P 500) is now up 44.7% and the bond market (Bloomberg Barclays US Aggregate Bond Index) is up 9.6%. While investors have no doubt enjoyed these returns, they should be aware of the potential for an unintended, and potentially unwanted, consequence of strong markets.

Can I Live to 100 with Money to Spare?

That goal sounds great; however, retirement and longevity planning can be difficult. While our future is filled with a host of unknowns (family needs, life span, capital market returns, inflation), they should never prevent you from creating a plan. Retirement planning no longer adheres to old methods, outdated assumptions or simple rules of thumb. Here are some big picture concepts that retirees or future retirees should keep in mind when beginning the planning process.