Proposed Regulations on Carried Interest Taxation

The TCJA quietly added a provision to tax certain ‘carried interests’ at a higher tax rate. That addition—Internal Revenue Code Section 1061 (IRC 1061)—taxes certain carried interests at the ordinary income tax rate. Simply stated, carried interest is the right for the manager of a private investment fund to share in a fund’s profit.

Five Frequently Asked Questions About Saving For Education

There are many factors to consider when saving for future education costs—the time between now and when the funds are needed, risk tolerance of the investor, investment preference, and individual tax situation. It may be obvious, but we always recommend saving for education as early as possible in a child’s life, so that there’s a more sizable time horizon for the money to grow.

News Affecting Your Financial Life – July 2020 Issue

The July 2020 edition of Fairman Perspectives highlights several topics related to the current market surrounding COVID-19. Topics include speculative investments, performance benchmarks, retiree confidence, and other topics related to investing. Learn more!

Think Twice About Speculative Investments

As companies race to develop vaccines and drug therapies that could help end the COVID-19 pandemic, news reports on successful or failed trials affect individual stock prices and can trigger wide swings in the broader market. You should think twice before making investment decisions driven by hopes and fears.