The Asset Allocation Balancing Act: To Reduce Risk, Increase Diversification

You see and hear it everywhere: “Individual stock or fund performance is the most important element of investing.” To us, this approach is counterproductive to long-term financial success because study after study has concluded that the critical factor is the ‘mix’ of stocks, bonds, and other assets owned. This mix, called asset allocation, is vital to the success or failure of your investment plan.

Growth Versus Value—A Balancing Act, Not an All or Nothing Approach

Over the last decade, there hasn’t been much to complain about when it comes to equity performance. Even after the sharp decline seen in financial markets earlier this year, equity indices have rebounded with strength and now sit at or near all-time highs. The resilience, performance, and consistency of the market in the last ten years has been nothing short of impressive—that is, unless you’re a value investor.

Maximizing Benefits of Low Mortgage Rates in 2021

If you have not given serious thought to refinancing or analyzing how borrowing at low rates may benefit your broader financial situation, now is the time. Many financial rates are at historic lows due to current conditions, market instability and high demand for safety in the form of lower volatility.