Investment Management

Fairman Financial aligns your investment strategy to your personal goals and values using a research-based, institutional approach honed over years of experience. We provide sound independent investment advice free of conflicts of interest, such as product sales or commissions. Our goal is always to achieve yours.

We follow a disciplined process to develop and implement an investment portfolio tailored to your financial goals

We guide you through a process to outline your unique goals and needs, allowing us to understand your personal situation and formulate recommendations. We formulate a portfolio strategy tailored to your needs, implement your plan in a tax-efficient manner and provide ongoing monitoring and rebalancing recommendations.

Working with a team that understands wealth management from every angle allows you to avoid common investment pitfalls. Our disciplined process and deep expertise helps you avoid reactive, emotional decisions. We use advanced quantitative modeling to identify asset allocations that suit your investment objectives.

How can we help?

Portfolio Analysis

Reviewing current portfolio for opportunities for optimization and diversification

Investment Implementation

Creating and executing a tax-efficient investment plan

Ongoing Due Diligence

Continually monitoring and rebalancing to meet goals and risk tolerance 

Performance Reporting

Evaluating and sharing results on a regular basis

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Get the most out of your finances—and your life—with wealth management that sees the full picture.